Wednesday, 9 April 2014

All day rehearsal 9th April

To day set three clear objectives at the beginning of the day and these were:
1) to workshop the bedroom scene with the bed.
2) to explore the route and space for the piece.
3) to continue to workshop the bingo scene, adding in harmonies to song and rehearse in the space.

We then went on to look at the bedroom dance. Although we have lots of ideas for this dance we hit a
dead end today while trying to choreograph it. I think we found this challenging because we all of us had slightly different views on how and what we wanted to do in the scene. 

We also assigned everyone a scene to take ownership of for divising purposes in order to allow everyone to have a scene to lead in creating it; although this does not mean they create the whole scene, everyone has their impute just that persons word is final. Here is a list of who is leading which scene:
Scene 1: train- Jessie 
Scene 2: chair dance - all
Scene 3: blue coat - Becca
Scene 4: canteen - Amy 
Scene 5: bedroom - George
Scene 6: bingo - Megan
Scene 7: packing - Beth
Scene 8: sucicide - Jessie
Transitions: Nicole 

After deciding this we realised that the order of the scenes did not work as introducing the multipersonalites of Hero in the first bedroom scene was too early in the piece. We moved the dance to the packing scene after bingo because, in the bingo scene Hero is first brought back to Claudio, so she only appears to Claudio in his room after this.

We also looked at the bingo scene, adding the dance and harmonies. Megan had already worked them out, so it was only learning them. Although I am not in the scene as I am Hero, I leant the harmonies so I can help in rehearsals and support the less confident members of the group. Also I filled in for Becca, singing her part as she was not there. As well as working on the harmonies, I had an opportunity to explore the grid and the logistics of become hero without the audience knowing. 

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