Saturday, 5 April 2014

4th April Rehearsal

Today we thought about music options for the various dance scenes in the piece. Here are our ideas so far:

  1. Bingo
    1. Very Superstitious -  Stevie Wonder
    2. Friend’s on the Other Side – Disney’s Princess and the Frog
  2. Bedroom
    1. I like the Way You Move – Body Rockers

    2. Try – Pink
  3. Train
    1. That’s Life – Frank Sinatra
After discussing this we moved on to start choreographing the bingo dance. We set up the stage space to look like a bingo hall with people on ‘different tables’. Although we are not going to have actual tables we will suggest this by having everyone facing the same way but Claudio. We chose to do this because it means that as an audience we will not see Claudio’s facial reactions to the madness that is happening around him. This will mean that George will have to physically show his responses, letting the audience see the action from Claudio’s viewpoint. Here is a diagram of how the stage will be set up.
In this scene Megan and Becca will play Ursula and Maggie, they are the comedy characters in the scene. However, as the dance goes on, their characters turn darker and darker until they promise Claudio they can bring Hero back. Amy and Beth will be two hotel guests attending the bingo taking it very seriously (getting annoyed at Maggie and Ursula for messing around). Jessie will be the Bingo Caller, and George will obviously be Claudio. I will be Hero for this scene and appear on the grid to haunt Claudio.  

As we are performing this scene in the Hub, we have the ability to explore slightly more complex lighting. For this scene we are going to use a disco ball and a spotlight; as well the normal fluorescent working lights and house lights to change the mood as the scene becomes darker.

Here is the dance break down so far:

Very Superstitious -

  1. 8 counts introductions
  2. 8 counts to lower cards spelling out Hero.
  3. Amy starts bingo motif (using the sequence 25713, dot the numbers. Megan, Becca and Beth nod along to beat.
  4. After 8 counts Megan and Becca start the bingo motif, Beth continues to nod.
  5. After another 8 counts Beth starts bingo motif, leading to all four girls performing the same motif in cannon.
  6. When the singing comes in all girls lean back on chairs with legs in air. Amy and Megan facing each other, and Becca and Beth facing each other. Megan and Becca lean back to back, fall over.
  7. On the words ‘writing on the wall’ all girls lower leg. Stand up on next ‘Very superstitious’ and stand behind chairs.
  8. In cannon, left arm goes up and flicks to next person. Megan hits Becca in face.
  9. All girls run hands through hair on next sung line in unison.
  10. Run round George, messing up hair, changing seats. Once they get there, a free 8 counts to improvise/ hold a position.
  11. Beth and Amy go over to George, stand him up and pull his chair towards front of stage.
  12. Megan and Becca talk to George, and then pull him to sit on the chair in new position.
  13.  Lines are spoken about Hero and Ursula and Maggie’s Voodoo.

Goes into friends on the Other Side (see next post for this)

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